[ENROLL NOW] Virtual Basic ThetaHealing® Course Starting Friday, September 27th
Sarah Faith is now available for Dream Tending Sessions!
Your dreams are activations of your gifts, powerful opportunities for healing and growth, and the most intimate communication with your guides, loved ones, and the Divine.
When we tend our dreams we can access the wisdom of our soul and embody the spiritual learning and personal growth we are craving for, in order to take the next step in our life.
Dream Tending is
not dream analysis
Dream Tending is not lucid dreaming
It is a tender, present, living relationship with the images, landscapes, feelings, and visitors of your dreamscape.
Each aspect of your dream is a gift waiting to be opened.
The Details:
In a Dream Tending session, you will bring a recent or older dream to be tended. We will walk your dream together from beginning to end. As we do we will go deep into personal associations, interactive imagination with visitors, and natural movement to embody your dream.
Over the course of our time together you can create a dream journal, process nightmares in a constructive way, and integrate the symbolism and meaning of your dreams.
The Fine Print:
Your Dream Tending Experience would include 3 personal, 1:1, 75-minute sessions. Ideally these sessions should be on consecutive weeks to gain the most out of your experience.
Sarah is only available for 3 dream-tending clients at a time, make sure to secure your spot at the link below!
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