[ENROLL NOW] Virtual Basic ThetaHealing® Course Starting Friday, September 27th
Your Superconscious Mind is speaking to you constantly.
It is often referred to as The Voice of your Soul. It is the Universal Awareness that exists beyond the realm of your current reality.
And it has a plan for you. It offers you guidance, clarity and specific clues to follow. But the messages it’s sending can’t be heard in your head or in your body.
(At least not in the ways you’ve been taught to listen, so far.)
The quiet but persistent inner call, the one that drives your seemingly endless desire for more knowledge, wisdom and insight, is your invitation to tune into your Divine guidance system.
Because without the ability to be attentive to this all-knowing wisdom, reaching your highest levels of fulfillment and quenching your deep thirst for meaning, will always remain just out of reach.
You’ll stay tethered to the patterns, conditioning and filters that keep you stuck.
You need to step out of the limited ‘reality’ you (and most people) are merely surviving in and step into the magical adventure of the always-available reality that opens up to you, when you know how to read the signs and symbols set out before you.
In order to receive this wise and loving counsel that will guide you to what you’re really here for (and release you from all the mixed messages in your life and mind) you must tune into the field of your Superconscious.
Your Superconscious is the profound personal intelligence that’s available to all of us, but that most people never access. That’s why we decided to create this powerful 5-part mini masterclass on how to access and tune into the power of your Superconscious mind.
Because when you have the tools to listen, magical messages and mystical opportunities will be revealed to you. And they will change the course of your life for your highest good, at every turn.
This journey will introduce you to the secret to connecting to your deepest Truth, the one that’s hiding in plain sight.
Follow the breadcrumbs that will allow your most fulfilling life to unfold before you.
In this module you will discover what your superconscious is, how it works, what it feels like to live from it and what happens in your life when you are living from your superconscious versus when you are not.
We are all on this adventurous life path designed by our always-active superconscious. In this module you’ll see how your superconscious stretches into the future and draws opportunities to you.
In this module you will come to know how your thoughts are expressed from the subconscious and how engaging with them in choice becomes manifesting them as opportunities. With awareness so you can train your mind to focus on your intuitive thoughts vs habitual thoughts.
Here you will learn to discern between feelings coming from your superconsciousness versus feelings coming from your subconscious. In this video we are also going to go deeper into the primary emotions and give you a practice for emotional intelligence.
Your Superconscious is not about fate, or some kind of predetermined set of circumstances, it’s about tuning into a Divine Knowing.
The Knowing that will lead you to your highest calling. It’s about feeling a profound clarity about what to do in each of the countless moments of choice you’re faced with every day that ultimately shape every aspect of your life. If you allow it to, your Superconscious will guide you through your instincts and intuition. But only if you know how to wade through the noise of your conscious and subconscious programming.
Ask yourself...
If the answer to that question doesn’t leave you feeling grounded, clear and excited for the adventure-filled life that is unfolding before you, look no further for your first clue.
Access The Course Today for $37 !
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