[ENROLL NOW] Virtual Basic ThetaHealing® Course Starting Friday, September 27th
"I felt instant changes with my body and state of mind, and experienced instant changes in my reality afterwards as well."
I experienced instant results from my ThetaHealing session with Eric Brumett. I felt instant changes with my body and state of mind, and experienced instant changes in my reality afterwards as well. Not only did my back pain and digestion problems go away but my business started to pick up and money started to flow in.
I highly recommend Eric, and I look forward to my next session with him. Thank you so much!
- Amy Hellman, Manna Hale Healing Center Hawaii
"Not even for a day or even for a minute have I gone back to feeling the way I had felt for SO LONG before. I’m still amazed."
I believe it was early September when I came to see Eric Brumett to be treated for depression….it was so incredibly life-changing for me. My entire life, from childhood and especially deeply in my teenage years, I had this overwhelming, deep, dark sadness. Sometimes it held me back and felt all-consuming, causing bouts of serious suicidal thinking and apathy towards my life which resulted in a lot of risky and self-abusive behavior. Sometimes it was just there, right beneath the surface in times when I was more functional, but it was never far.
After our ThetaHealing Session, it just vanished. At first I was afraid it might come back, but I enjoyed the new freedom I was feeling. It has been almost seven months now, of feeling like I’m living a different life, free from that. I feel more like myself, more empowered, and more clear. It has been incredible to me. Not even for a day or even for a minute have I gone back to feeling the way I had felt for SO LONG before. I’m still amazed.
I am currently doing more energy work in my own practice, mostly Matrix Energetics sometimes in the framework of a massage, often on its own. The story of my suffering and healing is now part of my mythology that helps me to connect with my own clients and potential clients. I am still honing my skills and figuring out what exactly I do and what I’m capable of, and I am so happy and honored to be on the journey I’m on.
So, I just wanted to reach out and thank you. Thank you, so much!
- Jackie Dandelion Knoeppel, New York, NY
"This does work and Eric has a gift, he makes one feel comfortable, he is kind and one feels safe being able to discuss things that need to be talked about."
I’ve read a lot about medical intuition and was thinking of going to an intuitive sometime in the future. Then I met Eric at a natural health expo and we started talking. I asked him what he does and I felt comfortable talking to him. Later on I called to make an appointment to see him. I went with an open mind and stayed neutral. I found it easy to talk to him and when he started working it was the first time in a very long time I was able to cry and talk about some of my fears.
After the session I felt tired but didn’t think much of it and would wait and see. Over the next few days I just felt different; I can’t explain it but over the next few weeks I started dealing with a lot of deeply buried feelings. One of the biggest changes for me is dealing with my clothing issues in that I had a lot of fear with clothes that fit me just right, and touching my stomach and waist that I wouldn’t be able to breathe or eat. I have been dealing with this problem for over 20 years. I even went for over a year for psychotherapy specifically designed to help people with over-sensitive conditions, with no improvement.
Now slowly I am buying clothes that fit me better and I am also dressing better. I am also starting to feel better about myself and can see that I am pretty. I have also not been binge-eating which was sometimes a problem in the past and have naturally taken off a few extra pounds without even trying or thinking about it.
I still have a ways to go but I can see the changes happening over these past few months (I’d only had two appointments with Eric in this time). I have done a lot of talk therapy in my life but no matter how much I talked about some of my issues of fear surrounding the clothing and other things it still didn’t help and by doing this kind of work it seems to be doing what the talk therapy couldn’t in my case. I still feel therapy is important but also including energy work or working side by side.
This does work and Eric has a gift, he makes one feel comfortable, he is kind and one feels safe being able to discuss things that need to be talked about. I can say that this really does work and I am so glad and grateful to be able to do this of work for myself. By the way, I am going to move into my own new apartment next week (which I was afraid to do before) which it will be the first time I am living alone in many years!
- A. Henson, Travel Agency Receptionist, NYC
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