[ENROLL NOW] Virtual Basic ThetaHealing® Course Starting Friday, September 27th
I like to know the answer. Don’t you? I just need to know. I was the kid with her hand always up in school, asking questions. I’m the woman on the subway reading the self-help book or Googling scholarly articles about a random healing term. Some say it’s because I’m a Virgo. Some say it’s because my father was an English professor who let me help him grade papers from the time I was eight. For whatever reason, I don’t like mysteries or horror movies. I don’t like to be in suspense or scared. I like to know the answer.
But guess what? Sometimes we don’t know the answer. Sometimes life lobs scary questions at us, like a magician throwing daggers all around his assistant — pow! pow! pow! Sometimes we get the whole conflict of Act 1 and all the plot twists of Act 2 a loooong time before seeing how things all work out at the end of Act 3. For some of us, the play that is our life is just Way. Too. Dramatic.
What are we people who like to know the answers to do? Listen, you may not like this. I didn’t at first. But now I’m catching on, grooving with it, and it’s actually not so bad. So I’ll tell you the secret: We have to trust. Trust. But trust whom? What if that’s the problem: what if you’ve historically trusted the wrong people and they let you down? But we aren’t talking about trusting other people. We’re talking about the ultimate trust, which is twofold:
We have to trust ourselves, and the Universe. Albert Einstein said “The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.” And, just like usual, Albert Einstein is right. If you don’t trust the Universe, you are going to be anxious. Alternatively, if you throw yourself blindly at the Universe full throttle and forget that you have free will and you get to create your own life, that you are creating your own life whether you realize it or not, that will be problematic too. You have to trust the Universe — but also trust yourself.
These are big-picture beliefs. These are the beliefs you look at when you work on what your life purpose is, your Divine Timing, your soulmate, how you’re achieving your soul’s purpose. Do you trust the Universe, Source, the Creator of All That Is? Do you trust yourself? Would you like to? Say yes to these downloads now if you do.
When I worked on these beliefs a few years ago, I found I had sneaky and hysterically funny little sub-beliefs: I trusted the Universe with my family, my health, my soul… but not with my career! That’s right, I thought the Creator of All That Is was capable of taking care of my loved ones and my body and my soul, but definitely not my little career. So cute! (It was actually because I believed it would be selfish to have any career goals, so I had to work on my understanding that I get to play here and create my Divine Purpose however I want.) Would you like to know that you get to create your own life? Would you like Source’s perspective on your life, your Divine Timing? And would you like to know what it feels like and how to have fun and achieve your soul’s purpose at the same time? Without suffering or sacrificing yourself?
Now you’re rocking and rolling with it. Now you still don’t know all the answers to your life — if you thought you did, that was just cute and funny anyway — but it’s okay. You know the Creator of All That Is. You know yourself. You’ve got this.
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