Healing the Inner Child and Traumas that Shut Down Your Development with Eric Brumett


Episode 37: healing the inner child and traumas that shut down your development with eric brumett

This week on The Mythic Life Podcast Eric is flying solo and sharing his insights on inner child work, developments that can occur in our bodies and two Thetahealing® elective courses that dive deep into these topics. 

He also gets into:

✨ The stages of growth we go through as humans

✨ How our senses are both receptors and projectors and how this maps our intuition 

✨ The work we can do on ourselves to heal areas where our needs were not met as children through the You + Your Inner Circle and Love of Self courses

To learn more about Mythic Life, check us out below! And to join our Love of Self Course October 19th & 20th, click here >>
Love of Self ♥️


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