[ENROLL NOW] Virtual Basic ThetaHealing® Course Starting Friday, September 27th
This week on The Mythic Life Podcast, Eric Brumett is joined by his dear friend, channel of ancient feminine wisdom and teacher of energetic mastery, Perri Chase.
Based in Arizona with her husband, daughter and two frenchies, Perri is the creator of the modality SXBMB™️ which reconnects women with their deepest Truth through a relationship with their P*ssy. Perri creates journeys and programs for people to explore different aspects of themselves and align to the deeper eternal thread of Truth.
Perri & Eric recently sat down to discuss the sense of purpose, what it means to feel fulfilled and how to find what drives your purpose.
They also explore:
✨ Finding truth through frequency
✨ Integrating embodied spirituality into our daily lives
✨ The practice of really being here
To learn more about Perri, head to one of the links below:
Instagram: @perri.chase
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