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The Resolution I DIDN’T make

I can remember when I was 15 years old making a New Year’s resolution to lose weight. Unfortunately because I was unable to keep my resolution, I made that same one every year after that.

This year there was much hype in the news as 2014 came to close that on average only 8% of resolution makers keep their resolution according to a study done at the University of Scranton. This statistic displays what I have faced for a huge part of my life and what millions of resolution makers face every year. Not surprisingly the #1 resolution for 2014 according to the University of Scranton was….drum roll please…you guessed it, to lose to weight. I guess they are still adding up the data for 2015.

That means that just like me, most people who make a resolution to lose weight each year end up not fulfilling their goal.

Why is that?

In order for us to stick to our new year’s resolution we need to be able to change.

In order to successfully and permanently change we need to discover what our blocks are to changing and what are our attachments to how things currently are. These blocks and attachments are dictated by our beliefs.

What I have found is that our beliefs are the guiding force behind our choices, patterns and habits. In order to make permanent changes we need to transform our beliefs.

This year and for the past couple of years I did not make a New Year’s Resolution to lose weight. It’s not because I had given up, it’s because I did not need to lose weight.

I came upon an amazing technique called ThetaHealing® that got to the source of my struggle, my beliefs, that were holding me back.  I was a size 12 and felt miserable in my body.  I had tried so many things to help but nothing gave me the permanent results that I needed to be healthy.

I applied this technique to releasing weight, building self confidence, adapting new healthy habits and was able to completely transform my body.  I went from a size 12 to a size 4.  But most importantly I grew in my confidence, my capabilities and the love I have for my body.   I began to work with clients who were suffering as I had been.

This year I compiled everything that I have learned and that has worked for me and my clients, and I created the I LOVE MY BODY 12 WEEK PROGRAM.  If you are ready to make permanent, meaningful changes in your body and life then I invite you to join the I LOVE MY BODY 12 WEEK PROGRAM, starting FEBRUARY 9TH.

I am offering a very special one time discount price for this year only for this program.

For more details about the  I LOVE MY BODY PROGRAM CLICK HERE.

If you’re interested in the program and have any questions about it, please email or call:, 212-260-5727.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

With love and gratitude,
Sarah Faith



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How is the universe responding photo of Eric Brumett
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By Mythic Life September 1, 2023
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