[ENROLL NOW] Virtual Basic ThetaHealing® Course Starting Friday, September 27th
“It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.”
JRR Tolkien
Dear Friend,
This week in SoulGuide we dove deep into key #2 for manifesting: Courage and Bravery.
The leap it takes to go from where you are to where you want to be will take you on the HERO’s JOURNEY.
This is the path to all your dreams, desires, and fulfillment.
And this is where Courage and Bravery step in.
We need these qualities to take the step into the unknown. To say yes to the risk because we know that reward is so much greater.
Courage helps us overcome our fear. It is a small action that leads you forward.
It’s dipping your toe into the water, then wading in slowly getting used to the temperature until your ready to jump.
While bravery is running to the diving board and jumping into the deep end.
Sometimes we just need consistent acts of courage to take the next step while other times we need to jump!
This is where your intuition is your friend.
Either way, the action that takes courage or bravery is necessary to meet your manifestations.
Tune into this video clip today to be reminded of your unique HERO’S JOURNEY and activate your courage and bravery to take the next step.
With love and gratitude, Eric and Sarah Faith Brumett
P.S. You can still join our weekly SoulGuide workshops to build your mindset for the Winter Solstice on December 21st The most powerful day to Manifest of the year.
We love doing these workshops and our students are getting some amazing results.
If you are interested in learning more you can click HERE.
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