[ENROLL NOW] Virtual Basic ThetaHealing® Course Starting Friday, September 27th
This week in our Soul Guide we will be going on a journey together to create our most JOYFUL AVERAGE day.
Why is this so important this week?
Well, as we are getting ready for quarantine to be lightening up we are all anticipating what life will be like as we create our NEW NORMAL?
I say new normal as many of us are aware that we don’t want to go back to the way things were before COVID-19 and yet it can be easy to go back to old routines and structures without really standing for what we want to birth in the world and who we are meant to become out of this initiation.
Now that we have flushed out our bigger vision for what we want to create we must look at a SINGLE joyful average day and look at what will be the first action step to create this a new normal. Click HERE to sign up for your 1st free Soul Guide Workshop.
To help you get started you can watch this clip of how to start to overcome indecision of what you want. This was taken from a Soul Guide a couple weeks ago. Click below to tune in and enjoy!
Remember that as you take actions of the little whispers from your heart what you want will be revealed.
It is like walking through a misty forest. With each baby step the next 5 feet will be revealed.
We are taking these steps with you friend. And are sending you all much love and light.
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