[ENROLL NOW] Virtual Basic ThetaHealing® Course Starting Friday, September 27th
Last Sunday Eric led us on another deep Soul Guide journey where we dove deep into understanding our genetic memory of wealth and work.
We covered everything from servitude to royalty and how our ancestors’ experiences are affecting how you relate to work, service, wealth and money.
Here is a juicy clip talking about Old Money vs New Money and how these genetic memories may be showing up in your life now. Click below to tune in!
Every Sunday we do a deep dive and guided clearing to release blocks and support you to move forward to create your most fulfilling life.
If you are interested in joining us you can try your first course for FREE. Click here to learn more!
In our next Soul Guide we will be on REPUTATION! This gets us straight to our deepest wounds around shame, self worth being respected and how we hold ourselves in the view and projections of others.
This topic will directly work on your lower chakras!
Get ready for another deep release as we move into our most abundant self.
Get our free guide to healing anxiety and depression for good using our proven 3 step process.
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