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{Video} – What Will Happen If?

~ A Personal note from Eric,

Dear Friends, I’m leading something special starting this Thursday and I would love for you to join us!! Read on to learn more about it.

Do you know the codes to Manifesting?

Without really understanding how your subconscious works, what mindset feeds a manifestation and what habits block them, you are probably not experiencing the full potential of your manifesting gifts.

In fact when you use your mind and energy in the right way you will have around a 90% success rate.

Without really understanding all the facets of how your mind and spirit work together to manifest and learn how to really use both these facets, the results can be quite disappointing.

I have been there….AND I have experienced the other side.

After learning the tools of manifesting, clearing my deepest blocks and tuning into my divine timing, it all started to click.

I have manifested my family and soulmate, cars, vacations, jewellery, employee’s, business partners, and homes and countless opportunities for more happiness, fulfillment and joy in my life

To be quite honest I would not have such an abundant life, if it were only created by my hard work.

Though don’t get me wrong, I have definitely paid my dues and put in the sweat equity.

But I have been fortunate to also create a full life by using the ThetaHealing Manifesting Process.

And I would like to invite you to join me to do the same.

This Thursday we start our fall ThetaHealing Certification Courses LIVE and in IN-PERSON in Central Park. Here are the courses we will be leading.

Manifesting and Abundance: September 10th (Thur) and 11th (Fri)
Game of Life: September 12th(Sat) – 14th (Mon)
Rhythm to a Perfect Weight: September 15th (Tues)

Pre – Requisite: Dig Deeper ThetaHealing Certification Course

Together we will be discovering the tools to manifest, find out how to make your life a fulfilling adventure and connect to a healthy Rhythm with our bodies.

This is an incredible opportunity to get back into your spiritual practice, clear many outdated beliefs and grow your abilities.

We are so excited about these courses and I hope to see you there!

With love and gratitude, Eric Brumett

Dear Co-Creator,

What would happen if?….. Is the question of the day.

There is a reason we resist and procrastinate when it comes to accomplishing certain goals.

And answering “What If?” can help you find out what’s underneath all that resistance.

In today’s video clip from SoulGuide, Sarah Faith dives straight into helping you understand what is underneath procrastination.

How you can use a simple process of imagining the end result to actually call up any fear you may subconsciously carry to completing a goal.

And what is fostering your fear.

Our subconscious is designed to create and also to protect.

So if you know that by getting a project done or taking that next step will lead to more success, but somewhere along the way you learned that “success is dangerous,” you will actually avoid getting a project done.

As soon as we start to become aware that there is more going on here than just being avoidant… and start to address the underlying issues we can start having breakthroughs.

Remember you are an incredible being of light. A co-creator in your own right. And sometimes it just takes a little help clearing fears and insecurities to help you get to your bigger dreams.

We hope you enjoy this video and are sending you all light and love.

With gratitude, Sarah and Eric Brumett



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How is the universe responding photo of Eric Brumett
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